Hello, I'm Aditya. I'm a full-stack developer and a UI/UX designer

About me

I have years of experience, as a Software Developer and UI Designer specializing in JavaScript, React.js, MongoDB and Node.js. What drives me is my passion for finding solutions to problems. I am skilled at building applications that're both efficient and user friendly. I always bring my technical expertise together with a keen eye, for design to create visually appealing user interfaces. When it comes to delivering high quality solutions I am committed and dedicated. I thrive in environments because they allow me to leverage my problem solving skills and overcome challenges. I am constantly seeking opportunities where I can apply my skill set and contribute to innovative projects.

My projects

My skills

My experience


Grand Prize winner | Atlas Madness Hackathon | August 2023

Google Cloud
  • Won the grand prize in Atlas Madness international Hackathon organized by Google Cloud and MongoDB.
  • Developed an AI powered learning platform with the power of Google's Bard AI.

Winner | Web3 Infinity Hackathon | August 2022

Force Community
  • Winner of the Decentralized Storage Infrastructure category.
  • Built Storz , which is a highly secured file storage system on the IPFS network.

Rank 2 | Razorpay FTX Hackathon 2021 | December 2021

  • Secured rank 2 in the Razorpay FTX Hackathon 2021, organized by Razorpay.
  • Built Dispay ,a discord bot which enables users to conduct seamless P2P transactions inside Discord's environment.

Contact me

Please contact me directly at aditya4161@gmail.com or through this form.